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About Us

About Healthcare Christian Fellowship

Christian Compassion Since 1972

Our Mission

Healthcare Christian Fellowship, USA (formerly Hospital Christian Fellowship) is the United States chapter of Healthcare Christian Fellowship International. We are a Non-Profit interdenominational organization among care givers.

Our mission is to encourage and strengthen caregivers in their faith, occupation and personal life, promoting Biblical principles in healthcare. We train caregivers to meet the spiritual needs of their patients and fellow workers.

Download our presentation, The Why of HCFI

Download Presentation

Our Leadership Team

We are blessed to have these leaders helping us spread our mission:
"Encouraging Christians in Healthcare"
Eithne Keegan

Chief Executive Officer
Melodee Battenschlag

Chief Financial Officer
Jhundell Apas

Multimedia Officer
Dr. Dung Trinh

Director of Health & Wellness
Bonnie Sala

Board Advisor
Dr. Harold Sala

Board Advisor
Dr. Ade Adebanjo

Board Advisor

Healthcare Christian Fellowship International

 In 1936, Francis Grim, a Christian business man in South Africa, visited his elderly father daily in a local hospital. During these visits he noticed that patient’s physical needs were well taken care of, but their spiritual needs were largely ignored.

Francis was alarmed and concerned about the lack of spiritual care. He realized that many patients pass through the healthcare systems of our world who do not pass through our churches. 

Yet, when they are ill they often want to reach out to God: A God they don’t know. They need someone to tell them the Good News of Jesus’ forgiveness, care, healing, joy and salvation.

He began to train a small group of student nurses how to share their faith with their patients and fellow workers. This was the beginning of what has now become Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI), a world-wide movement among all branches of healthcare active in over 100 countries around the world. 

Healthcare Christan Fellowship, USA

In the United States, Healthcare Christian Fellowship, USA (formerly Hospital Christian Fellowship) began in 1972 at a small hospital in San Clemente, California.

A nurse, Aubrey Beauchamp, started prayer meetings at her home. In time this small beginning became a national movement among Christian Caregivers. 

Video - The First 50 Years

In 1986, when HCF International was 50 years old, we produced a 17 minute slide presentation called: "HCF in Action." The First 50 Years, outlining the history, goals and purpose of Hospital Christian Fellowship.

We are amazed that our goals have not changed over the years, even though our uniforms and technology have.

We hope you enjoy this video, morped from a slide presentation to a DVD and now streaming to you!
View Video


Thousands have joined us in Christian Prayer in prayer groups and at our events. Enjoy these kinds words from some of our participants!
"Far above my expectations!"
"Well planned, pertinent topics, practical and straight forward, all speakers excellent."
"Good combination of factual information and humor."
"Very inspiring, informative and helpful."
"A real pick-me-upper and very educational."
"Very helpful, lively, downright fun."
"I'm going to be stronger and more available not only in my nursing practice but also in my community and church."
"The handouts were excellent and pertinent. Also loved the video presentations the availability of helpful literature."
"Your conference has given me an awareness of an organization that will support me in being spiritually available to my patients."
"I come back to your conferences again and again and always try to bring friends."
"I really enjoyed your seminar on 'Compassionate Care for the sick and Hurting'. It was excellent! Everything you said was Bibllically based and true. As a nurse, I feel you emphasized the really important aspects of hospital visitation."
Susan Dart RN, Tustin, CA
"I just finished reading your book, Aubrey, and wanted to tell you that it has encouraged and blessed me. I recently graduated from nursing school and your book has helped me to understand how to take care of patient's spiritual needs." In Christ.....
In Christ, Darcy Swink RN, Mt. Hermon, CA

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